Spend Time in your Element: Why we need to take back our recreation time.
The Point of this message is that we need to reconsider how we are using our time each day. Consumer data tells us that youth participation in outdoor activities is weening from its pandemic high. Older adults seem to be carrying an outdoor recreation torch that the younger generation is 'on mass' to preoccupied to pick up.
Globally we average 7 hours of screen time daily.
Gen Z averages 9 hours of screen time daily.
Granted some of that screen time is productive, but the attention economy is an industry that has existed since the advent of television, however is has never had the appeal and effectiveness that it has today. The extraction and sale of our recreational time is a serious threat to the human experience. We hope that upon learning this, you turn off your screen, place it in a drawer, and step outside into a place that brings you joy. While that might not be a boat on a lake, it's amazing what how appreciative a mind in the present moment is for the experience of undistracted observation.